As a part from our vision in the continuous development of people seeking knowledges and other experiences, we, at InfoPiers Training Community provides some very unique training programs for individuals and corporates who are operating in the healthcare sector and other related industries.
InfoPiers Training Community offers a variety of courses that aim to teach and train people in very specific fields. Courses at our Training Community equip attendees with the knowledge and skills needed to function in a particular jobs or tasks.
Inspired by Benjamin Franklin, an American polymath quote about Learning by Involvement, at InfoPiers Training Community we involve all of our trainees in a real life examples and tasks that help them to act and behave with the materials they learned during attending of our unique courses, giving them the best experience ever in a training community.
Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.
Benjamin Franklin, an American polymath
Provided Courses:

Market Research Training Course: (Code: MR-010)
If you’re looking to work as "Healthcare Field Market Researcher" or interested to learn more about Healthcare Market Research, you can apply for the first course of its kind in Egypt that’s tailored to develop and introduce you to this field in Egypt.
Through 16 hours journey, you’ll learn all the basics about Healthcare Market Research, all its phases (Concepts, Recruitment, Moderation and Transcription) that qualifies you to work.
We’ll take trainees through a real examples and research projects. Giving a promise of involving best performers in each training wave in our Market Research Projects.
After successful evaluation by end of the Course, the trainee will hold a “Qualified Field Market Researcher Certification”
Course Hours: 16 Hrs (4 hours / week)
Frequency: (4 lectures per month, 4 hours each OR 8 lectures per month, 2 hours each)
Course Duration: 4 Weeks
Location: InfoPiers premises, Sheraton Heliopolis, Cairo

Regulatory Affairs Training Course: (Code: RA-010)
If you’re looking to work as "Regulatory Affairs Specialist" or interested to learn more about Drug Registration, you can apply for the first course of its kind in Egypt as it includes CTD Files Preparation and Stability Dossiers which usually provided as a separate cours.
Through 16 hours journey, you’ll learn all the basics about Drug Regulatory Affairs, all phases (Concepts, Submissions, Follow Up and Preparation Dossiers) that qualifies you to work.
We’ll take trainees through ongoing Registration processes that are taking place now with the local authorities.
After successful evaluation by end of the Course, the trainee will hold a “Qualified DRA Certification”
Course Hours: 16 Hrs (4 hours / week)
Frequency: (4 lectures per month, 4 hours each OR 8 lectures per month, 2 hours each)
Course Duration: 4 Weeks
Location: InfoPiers premises, Sheraton Heliopolis, Cairo